Phaeton Technology
2 min readOct 27, 2022

Hi Phaemily,

Phaeton has taken some giant steps with our blockchain node to be completely off-grid and powered by renewable energy. Phaeton’s core vision was ensuring that our network was sufficient to combat the harshest environments. This includes operational nodes in remote locations with high temperatures reaching 60 degrees plus.

Phaeton is in the process of signing an MOU- Memorandum of Understanding to support the core value of both companies. The research and development with our blockchain node across multiple power plants and batteries, powered by renewable energy sources is something the team at Phaeton and Positive Off-Grid Solutions are passionate about.

Why Positive Off Grid Solution.

Positive Off-Grid Solutions Pty Ltd (POGS) is a Bunbury-based renewable energy technology business that provides a series of products and services that enable customers to reduce their dependency on grid-supplied energy, participate in the lucrative and rapidly evolving energy market and access reliable power in remote areas. Simultaneously, POGS demonstrates that business and industrial success needs not cost the environment.

Driven by a desire to realise a vision to power the world with sustainable renewable energy, POGS have researched, developed, and sourced innovative products and services that provide consumers and businesses with more grid independence, and governments and other organisations with the ability to bring safe, stable power supplies to the places that need it most.

Positive Off-Grid Solution has several energy partners that are also eager to work with Phaeton to see what is possible; the Phaeton Artemis node is ready to be pilot tested with one of Positive Off-Grid Solution PowerBox systems.

With this approach, Phaeton is working on the infrastructure so we are not reliant on main grid power or Cloud base centralise data centres like AWS. Phaeton and Positive Off-Grid Solution are working to produce 4000 plus nodes deployed across Australia that is powered by renewable energy sources. The partnership has a lot of interests in South Korea, PNG and Indonesia to deploy operating nodes internationally supporting remote location telecommunication towers for corporate and military activities.



Phaeton Technology

Phaeton utlilises Blockchain Technology to create sustainable communities for future generations using our own independent Blockchain platform.