A reflection of 2021 and Phaeton’s goals for 2022.
A reflection of 2021 and Phaeton’s goals for 2022.
Dear Shareholders and Token holders,
On behalf of our dedicated Phaeton Team and Board of Directors, I would like to personally thank you for your continued support and your faith in the Phaeton brand. Phaeton has come a long way since its inauguration in January 2018. However, the growth of Phaeton spiked after it made management and directional change. After analyzing the problems with current Blockchain Platforms, Phaeton improved the status quo and brand itself as a Blockchain for the people. Our core ethos is about positive social impact and implementing real-life projects that affect the daily lives of all communities. Our business model is to invest in projects that have been tested and proven to be successful over time. This strategy aims to increase the wealth of our shareholders and token holders, not just for the short term but sustainable for years to come.
2021 can be considered as the year where Phaeton has laid the foundations for a solid and sustainable business structure. Furthermore, it should be noted that each Blockchain technology product and project undertaken has been purposely planned to form an integrated social impact ecosystem. So, what was achieved in 2021?
- Phaeton Technology: In addition to our current suite of Blockchain applications, we have created Phaeton ID, Phaeton Artemis Node and Phaeton Helious Deployer. These applications will be incorporated into the real-life projects listed below.
- Phaeton Sidechains: We were appointed to develop our first Sidechain Enterprise named Carbon Credit Xchange. Another project is UniCity, an NFT Marketplace for digital art. In addition, two other Sidechain projects are being discussed, including (1) Microdot Systems and (2) NFT for Precious Metals.
- Phaeton Network: As part of our Blockchain infrastructure, we have built and completed the first Off Grid Modular Datacentre powered by solar-wrap renewable energy. Several 40ft Modular Datacentres will be incorporated into solar farms and two real estate developments.
- Phaeton Energy: In addition to Phaeton Network, we have established our renewable energy division headed by two well-qualified and experienced executives specialising in Solar Plants. We are working to rolling out several 1-megawatt solar plants to 9 regional towns in Western Australia based on identified locations that have energy supply shortage as per the grid. In addition, negotiations are being finalised for a 5-megawatt solar farm in New South Wales. All solar farms will incorporate a battery system and, of course, Phaeton’s data centres.
- Phaeton Real Estate: The backend of Phaeton TNFT Real Estate Marketplace is being finalised and ready to be launched in the first quarter of 2022. Phaeton has also secured two real estate development projects which will incorporate all the smarts that Phaeton has developed. These projects will include Artemis Node, a Modular Datacentre and powered by solar and hydrogen energy.
- Phaeton ESG Bonds: We have created the first ESG Bond Exchange in line with our ethos. The exchange is to finance our roll-out of Phaeton Network Datacentres and Solar Farms across Australia. The platform is in its final stages and will be launched in early 2022.
- Crypto Exchanges: Phaeton embarked on an IEO (Initial Exchange Offering) on LAToken and P2PB2B Crypto exchanges from September to December. On the 16th, Phaeton achieved a significant milestone and opened for trading its PHAE Coin. Additional Exchanges added are AAX, L-Bank and XT.com. In addition, there are negotiations with other Exchanges that will be added in 2022.
- Stock Exchange: With global interest in Phaeton, we were approached by several stockbrokers to list Phaeton on the Stock Exchange. It was always the intention of the founders to list in another year. However, the Phaeton Board decided to bring the program forward due to significant public interest. We have recently signed engagement letters with Lawyers and Accountants in North America as several Stock Exchanges are Blockchain friendly.
Now that the foundations have been set, Phaeton is gearing up for the deep end of its business. In 2022, we plan to start executing several of its planned projects. Listed below is a brief outline.
- Phaeton Technology: Phaeton ID, Phaeton Artemis Node and Phaeton Helious Deployer will be launched in the first half of 2022.
- Phaeton Sidechains: Carbon Credit Xchange will be launched in February 2022. Microdot Systems and NFT for Precious Metals will be rolled out in the latter half of 2022.
- Phaeton Network: Our Off Grid Modular Datacentre will be showcased for public viewing in March 2022. Several Modular Datacentres will be incorporated in all Solar Farm projects and included in two real estate developments.
- Phaeton Energy: The mandate given to the Phaeton Energy team is to start on ten solar farm projects and operate in December 2022.
- Phaeton Real Estate: The Phaeton TNFT Real Estate Marketplace will be launched in the first quarter of 2022. The two real estate development projects will start construction in the first half of 2022, with a completion date in June 2023.
- Phaeton ESG Bonds: The platform will be launched in early 2022.
- Crypto Exchanges: It is planned for PHAE to be listed on five additional Crypto Exchanges, all within the top 10 listed exchanges.
- Stock Exchange: Our engaged lawyers and accountants will start working on the Stock Exchange listing in North America with the target date before 30th September 2022.
Yes, 2022 will be a big year for Phaeton. However, we would never have come this far without the loyal support of our Shareholders and Token holders. On behalf of our dedicated Phaeton Team and Board, I would like to say a big “THANK YOU”. With the festive season around the corner, we wish you and your families A HAPPY AND JOYFUL SEASON, STAY SAFE AND ALL THE SUCCESS FOR 2022.
Yours sincerely,